Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Baseball is Life!

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."

-- Author:Muhammad Ali

Our routine is pretty simple. We wake up and watch some sort of baseball movie (Hardball aka "Big Poppa" - named after a song in the movie- or The Sandlot aka "Boys") while everyone gets ready for the day. Then, we usually pack up some baseball equipment (or ALL of the equipment) for the ride to daycare. Once we get home in the evening, daddy is in charge of pitching and/or playing catch. After bath time, it's back to the movies before hitting the sack with whatever baseball equipment is needed for nite-nite. He loves it! Baseball IS life!


Shrimp Girl said...

Hey Kellie. Sorry we missed you at Thanksgiving, Lexi was really disappointed she didn't get to see Luke. I can't believe how big Luke is getting..well yes i can, my babyb is dating. I hope we get to see y'all at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Cute:) I am sorry I haven't gotten to see you all in a while. Maybe if you are up this way soon....