Friday, December 19, 2008

"Hannah" Claus is Coming to Town!

This Christmas will be so fun for Luke. Finally he is at an age to get really excited about the holidays. He knows all about "Hannah Claus" and even sent him a letter.

Luke's Christmas List 2008:

Motorcycle (so I can do tricks)
Diego Toothbrush
Blue Baseball Bat
Fishing Pole
Red & Black Motorcycle Boots
Motorcycle Helmet
New Baseball Glove & Baseballs

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Just Eat All the Candy!

Well, Luke's classmates were individually asked a series of questions to tell of their family's Thanksgiving traditions as part of learning about the holiday. His teacher compiled a cute little booklet with each child's version. I like to call it the "Book of Lies"! --lol--

Here is what Luke's classmate, Georgia, said:

"At Thanksgiving we have turkey, chicken, beans and salad, for Mama (I don't like salad). I have milk to drink and for dessert, cookies! Yum! My whole family goes to the grocery store and buys all the food. Mama and Daddy cook it in a pot on top of the stove. Su-pie and Daddy-dub come to eat with us. Nobody else. I say the "God is great" blessing. Daddy eats the most! After dinner, the whole family cleans up. Then I play baby dolls in my room."


I just eat candy. For Thanksgiving or anytime, it doesn't matter, I just eat candy. I get it myself. I can reach it even if it is way up high. No one cooks candy. It's candy. You don't cook it. Nobody comes to eat with me, just Daddy and Mom. But, I eat the candy, just me. Nobody says the blessing. I don't know who eats the most. I just eat all the candy."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Great Mississippi River Balloon Race

Hot Air Balloon Competition and Music Extravaganza!

The Great Mississippi River Balloon Race is Mississippi's most exciting hot air balloon race weekend! Two balloon flights take place each day, weather permitting. Pilots compete as they fly over antebellum homes and the mighty Mississippi River. We took the boys to see all the balloons and they really enjoyed it! The weather was so beautiful that day. The fair grounds had rides and lots of good food coupled with good music. We didn't get to stay long....after all....we had to be back home in time for the LSU game! We definitely plan to go again next year!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Little Fall Ball Action

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We took Luke to the T-Ball field to see how he did with a little instruction and base running. He hit the ball really well...even though we have been pitching to him and not having him hit off a tee lately. So now he knows how to field the ball, run the bases and adjust his feet to either hit towards first or third base. The countdown to baseball season has begun and our little slugger is ready :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's a .......

.......BOY! See for yourself (good luck though).

Luckily we will have to have another ultrasound at my next visit so maybe we will get some better pictures to share. So ---- we are taking her professional word for it that it is a boy, but we are definitely happy to have a baby brother for Luke. He will fit in just fine :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Its A Singleton!

Well, I had my all-telling ultrasound today and we have confirmation that we are NOT having twins. We DID however find out that I am actually 9 days further along than we thought. Now my due date is February 9th. So I really have NO excuses for the largeness, but I am OK with that b/c at least I won't have to breastfeed TWO BABIES at the same time (how do people do that?). For those of you professionally trained in reading/viewing ultrasound "photos" please see below. For the rest of US.....the next ultrasound will be taken on September 15th which will more than likely tell the baby's sex!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Large and in Charge! 12 Weeks....'s the belly. I did not take many pictures while I was pregnant with Luke so I don't have any to compare. AND I am really only showing pics this time in the name of science. I just can't believe how big I am so far! Now I know that some say you get bigger -- faster with your second one.....but STILL. Now you know why I am wondering if it is TWINS......

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blog Wordle

There is a website that you can paste your blog url and it creates a WORDLE with random words on the site. See!

The belly is growing at a rapid rate. Pics will be forthcoming. We won't know the sex until around October 1st though. My next dr. appt. is on the 11th. (We'll see if this big ol' belly has a litter inside by then ....hopefully).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

10 Weeks In.....Vote on Names!

VOTE on my Name List


We have picked out a few names, but are very undecided. Any suggestions will be considered :) You can click the link above to vote on the possibilities so far.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ooooooooh! Aaahhhhhhh!

We took Luke downtown for the music and fireworks on the 4th. He didn't "hit the deck" once they started like last year, so it was much more fun for him this time around. He also got to see all the boats on the river. So now --- every time we pass Buhlow Lake his eyes get big and he asks, "Fireworks"?

In other news....Luke has recently learned a new word. Sh*t! It took us a few times to verify that was what he was saying, but low and behold, it was! He now knows that it is an "ugly word" and that he is not supposed to say it. So now when he hears it on TV, for instance, he is happy to point out that "she said an ugly word" at which time he feels it necessary to explain further, "she said an ugly word....she said Sh*t". I guess he thinks it is OK as long as he is only tattle telling.

Monday, June 23, 2008

This one is for the parents of those sweet little boys!

Ahhhh....memories! I laughed out loud when I saw this commercial on TV the other night. I just had to share it. Watch the look on the baby's face. "What the......"

Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer, summer, summertime

Luke has ALWAYS loved it outside....and summer is no different.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Luke is 3!

For Luke's 3rd birthday we had an Aces Baseball Birthday Party! He really had a great time. He got to meet Alex the Ace and received a real Aces baseball bat signed by the players. (I thought that was pretty darn cool) We even got the Chik-Fil-A cow to bring our food out.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Welcome to Fight Club!

We are now living with the Johnsons while we wait on our house to get finished. The kiddos are getting along famously. See for yourself!

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Monday, March 10, 2008


We went to see the Monster Trucks the other day (I was thrilled...let me tell ya)! Luke had a great time. He was a little scared at first (see the shoulder shrug photo), but that didn't last long. He was so responsible-making sure he had his ear plugs in when it got really loud. He even made sure Josh did the same. It was dirty, stinky, nasty, redneck fun at its best!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy "I Love You" Day!

Here are a few pictures from our day riding bikes at Maw Maw & Paw Paw's house and a visit to the zoo. We saw all the animals and rode the choo choo train. Luke likes to yell "All Aboard!" Happy Valentine's Day.